Reimagining the Good Life with Amy Julia Becker

Introducing Season 5 of Love Is Stronger Than Fear

Amy Julia Becker Season 5

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It’s been a rough year. Protests, political division, a global pandemic. And our bodies ache. Our friendships feel strained. We’ve had too much to drink. We haven’t exercised enough. On a self-care level and a social-care level, we are not doing well. 

In the midst of all the personal and social turmoil, Season 5 of the Love is Stronger than Fear podcast begins next week. In this season, I’m looking for conversations about hope and healing. Not conversations that sugarcoat the hardship. Not conversations that substitute entertainment for real connection. But conversations that look at the hardship and hurt in order to name it and understand it so that we can move towards healing. Together. 

For this season of the Love is Stronger than Fear podcast, you can look forward to hearing from filmmakers and authors and practitioners about faith and healing, disability and healing, self-care and healing, and how we can begin to repair our social fabric. 

Our first episode will drop next Tuesday, September 7th. Do go ahead and subscribe wherever you get this podcast so you don’t miss an episode, and please spread the word about these conversations. And send me guest suggestions if you have them. My email is, or you can always fill out a contact form on my website

I look forward to this journey together into healing, wholeness, and hope.

Season 5 of the Love Is Stronger Than Fear podcast
connects to themes in my newest book, To Be Made Well, releasing Spring can pre-order here! Learn more about my writing and speaking at

👁‍🗨Accessibility: You can read the transcript for this episode here via the transcript tab or view subtitles on my YouTube channel soon.

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Note: This transcript is autogenerated using speech recognition software and does contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before quoting in print.

0 (5s):
Hello friends. I'm Amy, Julia Becker host of the love is stronger than fear podcast. I'm here today to give you a little glimpse of what we have ahead for season five. Here's the thing it's been a rough year for a lot of people, myself included as individuals, communities, churches, schools, families, we are struggling, you know, the list, global pandemic, political polarization, racial injustice, protests, demonstrations, and then there's all the more personal stuff. There are those of us who are parents of kids with disabilities or kids with particular vulnerabilities. And we are carrying our own stressors and fears. There are those of us who don't have those particular issues, and we're still having a hard time.

0 (49s):
And we're coping in ways that we know aren't healthy. Our bodies ache, our friendships feel strained. We've gained weight. We've had too much to drink. We have an exercise to enough on a self-care level on a social care level. We are not doing well in the midst of all that personal and social turmoil. I'm looking for conversations about hope and healing, not conversations that sugarcoat hardship, not conversations that substitute entertainment for real connection. I want to be a part of conversations that look at the hardship and look at the hurt so that we can name it and understand it and move towards healing together.

0 (1m 33s):
Some of you might already know that I'm working on a new book called to be made well, an invitation to healing wholeness and hope it will come out next spring. And I'm really excited about it in this book, I'm writing about the nature of healing, the things that keep us from experiencing healing, the invitation to all of us, to participate in healing. So for this season of the podcast, you can look forward to conversations with filmmakers and authors and practitioners about faith and healing, disability, and healing self-care and healing, and how we can begin to repair our social fabric for anyone struggling with pain or loss for anyone concerned about the things that divide us.

0 (2m 15s):
I hope these conversations will invite all of us into personal spiritual and social healing. As we reconnect to our bodies and souls to God, to our communities, I'm going to be talking with people like Dominic Gillyard and Heather Lanier and David Bailey and Suzanne stint, Beale and Curt Thompson. And the list of fabulous conversations goes on. I can't wait to share them with you. The first episode will drop next Tuesday, September 7th, go ahead and subscribe wherever you get this podcast. And that way you won't miss an episode, we're going to be releasing them every other week this season. So please also help me by spreading the word about these conversations and send me guests suggestions.

0 (2m 58s):
If you have them. My email is Amy Julia Becker Or you can always find me on my website, Amy Julia, and fill out a contact form. I look forward to this journey together into healing. <inaudible>.

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